Monday, March 19, 2007

3 months

Noah turned 3 months on Sunday - how time flies! Here are a few new fun facts about him:

-He is a good baby. He fusses when most babies do, when he's hungry or tired, but other than that, he's pretty content.

-There is still hair on the back of his ears.

-The hair on the top of his head has stuck up since he was born. It's at least an inch long so it sticks up pretty high - it's very cute.

-He smiles and coos all the time; sometimes his talking is quite loud. He especially enjoys talking to the ceiling fan in the bedroom with our computer, and he often laughs in the middle of a "story" he's telling. He cracks himself up!

-He will still take a bottle and loves his pacifier. Luke had quite both of those things by this point, so it's quite nice having a baby I can plug up from time to time. Gary enjoys giving him a bottle every evening, and my mom loved feeding him this weekend.

I am so enjoying this baby! I love him bunches and bunches and look forward to him changing every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How precious Noah looks in his baptism outfit. And how he has grown since I was there. Thanks for all your blogs. They are my favorite reading sources.