Monday, June 18, 2007

6 months

Today Noah is six months old. How hard it is for me to believe that six months ago today we had just met our sweet baby for the first time. Boy am I so very glad it's today and not six months ago! Here are a few more fun facts about Noah:
--He is now sleeping for 10-11 hours at night. After taking a bottle around 7:00, he's usually asleep by 8:00 and doesn't eat again until 7 or 8 the next morning. How wonderful!
--Not only does he still want something in his mouth all the time, he likes to hold something in his hands all the time, too. Many times when I go to check on him when he's sleeping he has either an extra pacy in his hands or he has grabbed hold of his clothes or PJ's. When he's awake he's constantly grabbing and trying to hold whatever he can.
--His legs are starting to get chunky, but he's still a long, skinny baby.
--He is a good eater. He has liked everything I've fed him so far, but his favorites are carrots and pears. I'm often surprised by how much he eats. He still doesn't like water and makes a funny face when he happens to get some out of the sippy cup.
--Noah is a happy, agreeable baby. If he's fussing or crying, you know there's something wrong. He smiles all the time and is such a sweetie. We all are quite in love with him!

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