Here are Noah's official stats from his check-up yesterday:
-length: 27 1/2 inches (90th %)
-weight: 15 lbs., 9 oz. (20th %)
-head: 17 inches (49th %)
He is a string bean! I took him to the doctor for a sick visit about 3 weeks ago, and we were there again last Thursday. In that amount of time he gained a whopping 2 ounces. From last Thursday to yesterday, he gained almost 5 ounces! The doctor wasn't at all concerned with his weight; he's meeting all his developmental milestones and is a good eater. He just happens to be built like me (or like I used to be built.)
When we got home from the doctor, I had to look at Luke's baby book to see what he weighed at 6 months. The difference is unbelievable! Luke was 27 1/4 inches long and weighed 19 lbs., 4 oz. His head was 18 inches. I'm sure that extra inch of head circumference must have added some weight, but he weighed almost 4 pounds more when he was this age. It's really amazing to see how two people's genes can mix so differently!
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