Another new friend
Last night Luke was playing in the rain when he found another new friend – a snail. The farther the snail came out of his shell, the more excited Luke got. He was petting him and talking to him and truly enjoying his company. Needless to say, I was completely grossed out. Even Gary was grossed out and said he never liked to touch snails as a kid. He must take after my dad, our resident “bug man” growing up (he taught Entymology at Clemson) because he sure didn’t get this from me!
How sweet it that little boy. He has such a soft heart for all things and even snails. I, too, never liked snails but I guess they serve a purpose. Loved this picture of Luke with his new friend. He is so beautiful. Wonder if the snail resides inside or outside. Thanks for your blogs. They make my day.
I hope y'all didn't get all the trouble with the rain that others did in your area. I thought about you when they were featuring it on the news yesterday.
The really bad weather was west & south of us. We did get a good bit of rain and some thunder & lightning, but no high winds or tornadoes, thank goodness.
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