Sunday, April 29, 2007

Date night

Gary and I took our first outing sans Noah last night. We went to see Jimmy Buffett in concert, and we had a great night. My BFF Adriane babysat the kiddos for us. Her younger son Ben came with her, and he & Luke had a great time. Noah was a little fussy because he never took an afternoon nap, but she was able to handle it (I guess her 15 years experience as a mother and about as many as a NICU nurse came in handy calming a grumpy, over-tired bambino.) Gary and I marveled at the fact that we didn't leave Luke except in the nursery at church until he was almost a year old. Once again the second baby gets the ol' shaft as we abandoned him for close to six hours when he was just a mere 4 months old. I guess he'll have to discuss that with his therapist later on. Anyway, Gary and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves even though it ended up being a late night (by my standards at least.) Adriane survived relatively unscathed because she even offered to do it again. We'll definitely be taking her up on her offer.

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