-The hair on the backs of his ears is just about gone. I guess he has evolutionized himself out of his monkey phase.
-He loves, loves, loves his pacy. It's great during the day, but it's getting a little old to have to get up in the middle of the night to plug him up when it comes out of his mouth.
-When he's not sucking on his pacy, he has either his whole fist or a few fingers in his mouth. He loves to chew on them. Sometimes he tries to get his fingers in his mouth with his pacy.
-He still takes a bottle. We had all but given up on Luke taking a bottle when he was this age, so it's nice for me to know that I can actually leave him for more than an hour at a time.
-Noah is on a pretty good schedule. He takes a bottle around 7:00 in the evening and then is down for the night by 8:00. He typically doesn't wake up to eat till about 5:00 or so, and if I'm lucky, he'll make it till 6:00. We're definitely making progress.
-I still swaddle him at night because he just sleeps better that way. He looks like a baby burrito.
-He is on the whole a content baby. He typically cries or fusses only when he's really tired or really hungry. He does tend to cry when his big brother accidentally drops something on his head or sits on him, but that's to be expected.
-He has gotten very vocal recently. He talks to anyone who will listen and loves to laugh. He especially loves to laugh at Luke.
-He is a snuggly, cuddly baby which is good for me since my 3 1/2-year-old child often refuses to kiss me, let alone cuddle with me. I'm glad I still have someone I can lavish with kisses and hugs.
-Another of Noah's favorite activities is bringing his hands together. People say he looks like he's praying because his hands are always together. He also likes to touch his face and head while he's nursing.
-Last week he started reaching for toys that are hanging above him. He also reached out for my face last night (which really wasn't a big deal at all to me - I only told about 12 people this morning at church.)
Well, I guess that's enough for now. I know I'm his mother and am expected to say things like this, but he is absolutely adorable and he fills my heart with love.
The baby burrito
Luke had to get in on the act this morning.
Sweet, sweet baby!
1 comment:
How funny that the blanket and bear are shrinking. Adorable pictures. Wish I could give both boys some sugar. What handsome children. Love and hug them while you can for they grow up so fast.
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