Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ready, set, go!

Noah is officially crawling . . . and he's already into everything! I can hardly keep track of him anymore. As soon as he gets on the floor, he's off, and he immediately zeroes in on anything that's not his. He'd much rather play with anything of Luke's, much to Luke's dismay. Tonight he discovered Molly's water bowl and had a good time splashing in it and putting toys in it. He has also shown some interest in various electric cords around the house. I bought a play-yard for Luke and never used it with him; he just never got into anything he wasn't supposed to. I'm obviously going to have to put Noah in it on a regular basis. How else will I ever take a shower or cook dinner without stopping 100 times to scoop him up and relocate him? How funny that two children can come from the same parents and be so completely different!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typical little boy. You were lucky that Luke was so good. I think this is what most kids do. A playpen wasn't invented for nothing. I kept my kids in one if only to get other things done. Good luck.