Friday, December 15, 2006


Today I am grateful for my dear friend Adriane. She came over this morning to help me clean my house, and what a fantastic job she did! When she first offered to help me, I was hesitant to accept because, as most of you know, I'm a bit of a control freak and I like things done my way. But today taught me that I don't always do things the right or best way and that it was as much of a gift to Adriane to be able to help me as it was to me for accepting the offer. So we worked together for a couple of hours to get my house more spic-&-span than it's been in a while. My husband is eternally grateful, too, because he doesn't have to clean the shower or sweep & mop this weekend. So now my house is lovely and I can enjoy the next two days without worrying about it. Adriane is such a special friend, and I am blessed to have her in my life.

"Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16


Anonymous said...

What a special gift to you! I know you'll enjoy it this weekend as you can rest before the little babe gets here. I can't wait to here about him/her.

Anonymous said...

Ok, and you can count on me to give you a good laugh before he/she gets here. I cannot believe I just typed "here" instead of "hear." Just a glimpse at the mind of a mother of two.

Erin said...

Too funny! No one else will pay attention - just us ol' English teachers! We'll let you know the news next week.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know I've read the latest blog and how grateful I am to Adriene for her love and kindness to you. Often in life we find one or two really true friends and I know you consider her one of those. I'm praying for you and I'll be anxious to hear from you tomorrow. Nana