Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas program

Luke's school Christmas program was on Thursday, Dec. 14. I wanted to post pictures before I posted pictures of Noah, but I'm just now getting around to it. Luke's class played the part of the angels. They were supposed to wear wings and a halo, but Luke took one look at them and told his teachers he wasn't going to wear them. True to form, he didn't. I actually would have been more shocked if he had worn them. So, he was the only one without wings. I was a little teary at first because it was so cute, but by the end, I was pretty much over the whole thing. Luke lost interest about halfway through and started just acting silly. He played peek-a-boo from behind the little boy's wings next to him, and he alternated sitting down and lying on the step beside him. By the end he was sitting and trying to put his foot on top of his head. A performer he's not, but the video sure is pretty funny to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is hilarious that Luke has such a mind of his own. I think that is rare at 3. Maybe not. At any rate, if he continues that way, no one will tell him what to do and try to con him. He is so precious. Thanks for all the pictures. Love, Nana