Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So....the littlest guy in my house started preschool today. He was very excited, and, needless to say, so was I. It's not that I don't enjoy spending time with him., because I do. It's just that, as I may have mentioned at some point, I am a much better Mommy when I have the chance to miss my children. I didn't get to miss them much this summer. I enjoyed my alone time today, but I surely did miss him today.

I was a good Mommy and took pictures of him before we left this morning and then again at school. I was trying to download them and somehow ended up deleting all the pictures on my memory card, including the ones I took this morning. Waaaa! My plan is to take some tomorrow and then post them. Don't tell anyone they're not actually from today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at least you tried. i just didn't even attempt until the second day. i felt so horrible seeing all the mamas with their cameras.