Sunday, January 7, 2007

Two weeks

Here are Noah's official two-week stats:

-weight: 8 lbs., 15.5 oz. (he's packed on almost a whole pound in the last week!); 50%

-length: 21 1/2 inches; 75%

-head: 14 1/4 inches; 30%

He is such a peanut! At almost 3 weeks, he weighs less than Luke did when he was born! He seems so little to me, especially his head. It's weird for me to have a child with a normal-sized head, and after seeing Luke's ginormous head, you can see why!

We're all doing pretty well. I'm a little sleep-deprived, as can be expected, but I do get a couple of hours at a stretch at night. Gary's been really good about helping out whenever I need it, and Luke is the best big brother ever. I dearly love this new baby who's come into our lives, and I'm definitely enjoying babyhood much more the second time around.

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