Saturday, January 20, 2007

Showered with kindness

The hostesses with the mostesses - Sandra, Adriane, and Wendy

Last Saturday while Cari & Hannah were here, three of my friends threw a "sip and see" shower for me. We decided to have the shower after Noah was born so I'd get gender-specific gifts (since I was so stubborn and wouldn't find out the sex before he was born. Sorry, again, Ellen!) About 15 people came, and it was really nice. My friends are quite creative, and they had cute little decorations, including a diaper cake. Noah got lots of clothes, and he looks quite dapper in the ones he's worn. The nicest part was having my sister & Hannah there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you loved having your sister and Hannah there! It's so nice to have some helping hands when you've got a tiny one in the house. I can't believe Noah's already one-month-old!

How sweet of your friends to shower you and Noah. Nothing like some good fellowship!