Because I'm Luke's mom it's hard for me to have an unbiased opinion about him, so just keep that in mind as you read this. Luke is the smartest 2 1/2-year-old ever! OK, that might be stretching it a bit; you can form your own opinion after reading about all the amazing things he can do!
-Luke started recognizing colors when he was about 16 months old. He knew all the basic colors just a few months later, and he even knew some odd ones like khaki and gray. He's added silver and gold to his repetoire as well.
-Luke knows pretty much any shape you show him and loves to point out shapes when he sees them.
-Last summer when Luke was not quite 2, he could count to 10, and he could also count actual objects. He can now count to 20 and recognizes all the numbers from 0-20 when he sees them written. He loves to count and counts just about everything he sees.
-He also started recognizing letters last summer. The first ones he knew were B, C, D, E, and G. I was pretty amazed the first time he said, "That C!" Like most 2-year-olds, he sings the "ABC's" constantly, but he also recognizes all the letters in the alphabet and tries to write them (although he hasn't written any yet.) The funniest thing he does with letters is finding them in the oddest places; he'll take a few bites out of a sandwich or a piece or toast and then say, "Yook, Mommy, it a L (or E or F or whatever it may look like)."
-Because he knew letters early on, he soon started recognizing some of our favorite letters, USC. He also started recognizing his own name in print, and not long after, he could spell his name. Gary's trying to teach him how to spell Chumley, and he remembers "C-h-u-m . . . y!" We're working on the "l-e", but I still think that's pretty impressive!
-Finally, a few weeks ago I taught him to spell his name in sign language letters. He loves to tell people how to spell his name and show them what it looks like at the same time.
I'm not sharing any of these things to brag on myself. I really don't think I've had all that much to do with his learning any of these things (except the sign language); I never actively tried to teach him the alphabet or colors or shapes. After hearing them over and over, he just picked up on them. I really have to give the credit to God for making such a smart little boy! You only have to tell him something once or twice and he remembers it. He's such a joy to have, and I love watching him learn new things.
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