Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Luke started kindergarten on Monday. He was so excited that he was up and dressed at 6:55, and then he counted down the minutes till we left. I only shed a few tears as I was leaving him (I didn't shed any the next day!) He had a great first day!
Standing outside his school, Bennett Elementary

Luke and his sweet friend Ashlynn (she's in his Sunday school class)
Can you tell from the ear-to-ear grin how very excited he is?!?


Anonymous said...

Another milestone in the saga of "Sir Luke". What a happy smile. It is a mile wide. I know Luke will be a good student and I hope he continues to love school throughout his days. How time does fly. Impossible to believe Luke is 5 years old. What wonderful 5 years they have been. Thanks for the memories. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Luke!