Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Luke started kindergarten on Monday. He was so excited that he was up and dressed at 6:55, and then he counted down the minutes till we left. I only shed a few tears as I was leaving him (I didn't shed any the next day!) He had a great first day!
Standing outside his school, Bennett Elementary

Luke and his sweet friend Ashlynn (she's in his Sunday school class)
Can you tell from the ear-to-ear grin how very excited he is?!?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last weekend several girls from my bible study went to San Antonio to the Living Proof Live conference. This is the third year I've heard Beth Moore speak, and I think it was the best yet. The music was phenomenal - I love Travis Cottrell! The theme for the weekend focused on Psalm 16: 5-6:
"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."
I am always amazed at how inspired Beth is when she speaks. It's incredible how she weaves together verses from both the old and new testaments to help make her point. The idea that has stayed with me the most is that not only will I receive an inheritance from God, I am part of His inheritance.

Jeanie, Adriane, Laurie, Shannon, Sandra, Becky, Gretchen, Charlotte, me, Wendy

Because the seats aren't reserved, you have to get in line REALLY early if you want to be anywhere near the stage. We were in line at 6:30 Saturday morning (the doors opened at 7:30 and the conference started at 8:30.) We would have been there even earlier except it was raining, and none of us is that die-hard. Is that the sunrise in the background? I believe it is . . . hence the need for big ol' coffees.

About 30 minutes after we got to the convention center, we looked to the left and saw the most beautiful rainbow. If that isn't a sign, I don't know what is!

Dinner at Casa Rio on the Riverwalk.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The solution to all my problems

Don't call CPS. I promise I didn't put Noah in there. He climbed in all on his own while we were across the street letting my neighbor's dog out. If you have to call CPS, call them because I asked my 5-year-old to walk back across the street to get my camera so I could take a picture of his brother in a dog kennel. He obviously made it over and back safely as is evidenced by the pictures.
Noah stayed in here for about 10 minutes, opening and closing the door. Would it be wrong to get Molly's kennel out?
Luke is probably thinking, "My life would be so much better if we had a kennel."
I haven't gotten the kennel out . . . yet.

Happy birthday to me!

That's right, I turned another year older last Saturday. I am now closer to 40 than I am to 30. Yikes! I had a really good day . . . lunch with my boys, a pedicure all by myself, and dinner with my biggest boy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Funny boys

Green rainboots go with anything . . . or with nothing!

Luke was sweaty, and when he took his shirt off, his hair stayed like this.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wii rock!

We love the Wii! Gary is still undefeated in boxing, refusing to let either 10-year-old Ben or 16-year-old Alex beat him, and I've become a pro bowler. Wii are awesome!


Luke was giving his Webkinz a ride when Noah decided to hope on board. As you can see, they both thought this was great fun.

Noah has shown no interest in the TV, but when Luke & I were watching some home movies of him when he was Noah's age, Noah was riveted. So yesterday I decided to let him watch Toddler Tunes, a low-budget video of the Cedarmont Kids singing various children's songs. He loved it! Hallelujah! Maybe I can actually get him to sit still for 20 or 30 minutes each day.

A slight break

We are right in the the middle of a swelteringly hot Texas summer. Yesterday was the first break from the heat, with a high of only about 90. We've had over 20 days of 100+ heat, and until yesterday the streak of 100+ days was over 10. We topped out at 107 last weekend. It's too hot to even go to the pool when the temperature is 107. I try not to complain about the heat because I'd rather it be hot than cold, but this is a little much, even for me!