Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's tea

Today Luke's class had a mother's tea for all the mommies. It was so special! We waited in the hall, and they came out one by one with a rose for us and led us in to sit down. They made sweet gifts for us: a flower pot that was painted and decorated with beads; a canvas tote bag with flowers made from their thumb prints; a small treasure box they painted and decorated with jewels. They also did another fill-in-the-blank story about us that was quite hilarious. To top it off, they sang a sweet song to us (Luke sang every word and did all the motions.) I was so thankful to my friend Adriane for watching Noah so I could enjoy my time with Luke.

Each kiddo drew a picture of us and we had to guess which one was us. I got it right! Aren't I beautiful?

1 comment:

Nana said...

what precious pictures and what great memories you are creating. Mothers are truly blessed.