Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lesson learned

Up until yesterday, I let Noah play with our cordless phone. I know I probably shouldn't have, but it entertains him for quite a while, and I guess I was being lazy yesterday. I will not be letting him play with the phone anymore. After playing with it yesterday afternoon for a few minutes, he put it down and crawled away. I checked to see that it wasn't on, and a minute later it rang. The caller ID said "City of McKinney" (can you see where this is going?) and a woman said, "Someone at this residence just called 9-1-1. Is everything OK?" I was completely confused, and when I professed my innocence, she repeated that someone - "it sounded like a child" she said - had dialed 9-1-1. I confessed that my baby had been playing with the phone, and after answering a string of questions, I quickly hung up, extremely embarrassed. If I hadn't answered the phone, the police would have come, and then I would have been mortified. I'm SO glad I answered it! The phone is no longer one of Noah's toys.

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