Tuesday, September 18, 2007

9 months

Noah is 9 months old today! Here are a few of his latest antics:

-He is into EVERYTHING! He pulls up on everything and is the fastest crawler I've ever seen (or at least it seems that he is.) I put him down and before I know it he's down the hall or in another room.

-He is busy from the moment he wakes up till he goes back to sleep. He loves to scream and babbles quite a bit. His favorite thing to say is, of course, "ma ma ma ma".
-Several times a day Noah makes a beeline for Molly's water dish and has dumped it out on more than one occasion. We've been blocking it off by putting one of our kitchen chairs in front of it, but today he figured out how to crawl through the opening in the back of the chair. That little rascal!
-He's eating all regular food! Some of his favorite things are oatmeal, grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken (he especially likes Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets), graham crackers (see the picture below), peaches, grapes (cut into tiny pieces), and Goldfish. The one thing I still can't get him to eat is a banana - he spits it out every time I try to feed it to him.
-He's down to 2 naps a day.

-He smiles all the time, and it fills my heart with joy to see that smile.


Anonymous said...

What a cutey pie he is. Love the picture with food on his face. Love that precious smile. He is going to make life interesting.

Anonymous said...

Erin, he is just so cute. I love his big brown eyes (at least they look brown in all the pictures). And, the picture of Luke asleep with one leg up on the bed is hilarious! Mary Des used to hate bananas, too, but we revisited them and now she eats half of one everyday. I think the texture must be really weird when they are just learning to eat all of the big kids stuff.