Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sick day

Luke has had a cold for more than two weeks, and this weekend he got a fever that never went away. Sunday night he told me his mouth hurt, and at first I didn't think anything of it. It finally dawned on my that he must have meant his throat but didn't know what to call it, and when I checked his throat, it was fiery red and swollen. We went to the doctor yesterday, and he has strep throat. Even though he felt pretty puny Sunday and Monday, the thing that made him most upset was not being able to hold or kiss Noah. He's just waiting till tomorrow when he gets the green light to smooch his baby brother. He's feeling and acting much better today, but he's told me he's still sick and needs to watch TV all day. I think he's on the mend - I just hope the rest of stay well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope y'all stay well, too. It's the season for it though, Tom's got it and I'm pretty sure I do, too. Hope Luke gets well soon!