Sunday, November 18, 2007

(Un)Happy 11 months

Noah DOES NOT like to lie on his back and be still, so the picture this month is less than ideal, but oh well. A few fun facts about Noah:

-He still only has one tooth. The other bottom front tooth may be coming in, but it hasn't made an appearance yet. I think he'll be singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" this year.
-He continues to get into EVERYTHING. If he can reach it on a table, he'll pull it off. The other morning he figured out he could reach the placemats on our kitchen table and pulled one off - there was a cup of orange juice on that placemat, so it came crashing down on him.
-Riding in the car is not one of his favorite activities. He's OK while we're moving, but as soon as we stop (during carpool, at a red light, in traffic), he starts to fuss. I don't see any long car trips in our immediate future.
He is cute, cute, cute!

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