Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A visit with Mimi

My mom just left today after spending the past few days with us. We had a really good visit! Luke usually wants me to do everything for him, but he let Mimi do lots for him, and he loved playing with her. She and I went shopping for a few hours all by ourselves on Monday. We had the dreaded task of swimsuit shopping, but luckily we were successful so it wasn't too traumatic. We already miss her and are looking forward to seeing her next month. Here are a few pictures from the visit.

Luke's clothes got wet and he took them off. It became a clothing optional afternoon (for him anyway.)

The infamous "granola sling" (I call it this because I feel like a hippie-granola-treehugger when I wear it. Brad Pitt carries Shiloh in one, so I guess I'm actually pretty cool.)

What an outfit!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Take me out to the ballgame!

There's nothing better than clean babies (and big boys) in jammies!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Watch me grow

5 months

That's right, Noah is five months old today! Here are a few more fun facts about the littlest Mr. Chumley:

--He is extremely ticklish! Any tickling elicits lots of laughter.
--Noah loves his big brother. He smiles at him and watches him and is, in general, rather enthralled with him.
--He had his first rice cereal two nights ago. He really seemed to like it; I even had to make more because he ate all of it and was still acting hungry. He had more last night but wasn't as sure of it. The first time he was all smiles, but last night he made some pretty awful faces.
--The pacifier is still the number one thing in his life (besides me, of course!) He is a very oral baby. He wants to have something, anything, in his mouth all the time - his pacy, fingers, an entire hand, his burp cloth or lovey, a toy, someone's nose (yes, we've all done this). I really don't remember Luke being this way.
--He enjoys the Exersaucer more and more every day. He knows how to play with the toys and likes being upright. I think the Johnny Jump-up will make an appearance soon!
--He still smiles at everyone. It's such a wonderful thing to walk into his bedroom when he wakes up and see that big ol' grin.
--Noah has really become interested in toys lately. He likes to hold them and eventually jams all of them into his mouth.
--After checking off "roll over" on his to-do list, he hasn't done it again. On to bigger & better things, I guess.
--Noah is still a sweet, content, happy baby. I love, love, love him!

Yummy! Gimme that spoon!

Luke, of course, had to get in on the action.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The B-I-B-L-E

This is how Luke fell asleep tonight.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A milestone

Noah rolled over for the first time Tuesday! He was lying on a blanket outside, and the first time he did it he was going downhill, so I think he had the benefit of gravity working for him. But then I put him so he wasn't going downhill, and he did it two more times. He's obviously gifted since he's not even five months old! Luke was six months old before he rolled over, but he had a whole lot more girth to get over than Noah does, not to mention that big ol' head!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Happy Birthday, Nana!

Today is my Nana's 86th birthday. I know she'll cringe when she reads this post, but I think making it to 86 and still being in good physical and mental health is a feat worth celebrating! I wish we could be with her again this year, but we're thinking about her . Happy Birthday, Nana. We love you!

Muffins with Mom

Today was Muffins with Mom at Luke's school. They made us several really sweet little things, including a hand print that they painted, a flower made out of feet & hand prints, and a bag of sunflowers. We had muffins and juice, and they sang two songs for us. Luke sang both songs, wore a mask during one, and did all the motions - I was so proud of him! They also wrote a story about us like they did for the dads. Here's mine:

All About My Mommy
My Mommy's name is Erin Chumley. She is 4 feet tall and weighs 50 pounds. Her hair color is brown and her eyes are blue. Even though she is 24 years old, she still looks good! When I am at school she takes care of Noah. Mommy and I like to get dressed in the night. My Mommy makes the best things with cherries. I love my Mommy because
I like to do things at nighttime with her.
Love, Luke

So very funny! According to Luke I'm taller and heavier than Gary, but I'm only 24 so that's OK! It's mornings like these that make all the fussing and whining worthwhile (well, almost!)

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lawn boy

This is why we had children! Let's hope he's this willing to help in 10 years!