Luke's first day of three-year-old preschool was Tuesday. He was very excited to go back this year, especially since he has the same teachers as last year. He also knows more than half of the other children in his class, so this was a relatively easy transition. Our biggest challenge is getting him to go to the bathroom at school. So far he hasn't gone at school and tells his teachers he's just going to wait for me. I'm sure he'll eventually go once he's more comfortable (hopefully, anyway!) I only got two pictures Tuesday morning because my camera batteries ran out and I didn't have any extra. His favorite place to be is on his top bunk, so I had to take the pictures of him up there.
Guess what kind of backpack Luke's wearing? That's right . . . Thomas!
Once upon a time Luke smiled nicely. Now he just makes this weird face when we ask him to smile. I assume it's just one more thing he'll eventually outgrow!
I haven't commented in a while, so I'm going to list:
1. Drew did the same things with organization, like always wanting the markers to go in the same order. Obviously, they have very Type A fathers!
2. I love how Lofty is in the middle of the Lincoln Logs set...totally makes sense.
3. Congrats to Luke on his first days of school. It took me a little while to get used to that extra day, but you'll have lots of things to do getting ready for the new baby!
I was a little sad last week with him being gone 3 days, but I know I'll enjoy the time as the due date draws closer. I also think it'll be good for Luke to have 3 days on his own at school once the baby is born.
Lofty or some other vehicle (a Hummer, Scoop, random Matchbox cars)are usually parked in the "garage" of our Lincoln Log houses. We laugh at Luke's time inaccuracies!
Oh . . . I'm pretty sure he gets the crazy organization from me!!
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