Monday, July 31, 2006

The birthday boy

It's hard for me to believe it, but Luke turned 3 yesterday! He's been so excited about his birthday and has been counting down the days. When he woke up yesterday, he was thrilled his birthday had finally come. We had a Thomas party in the afternoon, and lots of our friends came to help us celebrate. He had such a blast playing with all his friends, but his favorite part was, of course, opening the presents. It was a little chaotic as all the other children tried to help him open the presents, but we all survived and Luke got some fun new toys. His favorite present was the Diego Rescue Center. Gary & I gave him a big boy bike which he has already learned how to ride (he has obviously inherited Gary's athleticism and not my complete ungracefulness!) A friend from church made his completely awesome Thomas cake which was a huge hit. Even though it was 100 degrees yesterday, the day was better than I could have imagined!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Luke! It's looks like you had a really wonderful day!