Our first order of business Monday morningwas going to see Shamu. Luke's been talking about Shamu for several weeks now and wondered why he wasn't at the hotel when we checked in. We hit Sea World bright and early Monday morning and had a blast. We fed the dolphins as soon as we got there - what at treat that was! They swim right up to the edge of the pool to eat the fish. You can even touch them if you're quick enough. We saw a dolphin & Beluga whale show next, and it was really neat. Luke like seeing all the acrobats jump into the pool from way up high.

Luke feeding the dolphins.

Feeding frenzy!
After the dolphin show, we went to the Shamu "Believe" show. That's where things went a little sour. We were sitting in the "splash zone", and boy did we ever get splashed! We were all soaked, and Luke freaked out! He started crying and said he wanted to leave. So we watched the rest of the show from up high where there was no danger of getting wet. Despite getting wet, the show was fun to watch.

The day was saved when we went to the children's area after lunch and rode rides (by "we", I of course mean Gary & Luke rode rides.)