Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Potty progress

It's been a long time coming, but we're finally starting to make some real progress on the potty. For those of you who are somewhat squeamish or have never potty-trained a child, you might want to quit reading now. But since the two people who actually read my blog are both mothers, I think we'll all survive what's to come. On Monday we had nothing to do but go to the grocery store, so I finally decided to put Luke in big boy underwear for the day. He did so well! I set a timer and he sat on the potty and pee-peed every 30 minutes. I think he was as excited as I was that he was going on the potty so much (not to mention that he gets a Skittle every time he pee-pees.) That, however was just the beginning. Later in the afternoon, he told me he had to go potty, and lo and behold, he pooped on the potty! We made a big deal out of it, and he got to call just about everyone we know to tell them the good news. Tuesday went just as well. He stayed in his Thomas underwear all day and even slept in them for nap and woke up dry. He also told me he had to poop on the potty and did. Hallelujah! I'm probably jinxing myself by writing this, but I think we're finally on the track to being potty trained!


Anonymous said...

Hooray! I'm so glad to hear that things are progressing well. Potty training can be demoralizing! It took Drew many, many months to go "poopie" on the potty, even though he was able to tinkle very early. I always rejoice with someone else when they don't have to go through all of that!

Erin said...

He's still doing pretty well - he's only had a few accidents, so I think we're making good progress. This is one of the hardest things I've ever done!