Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Say what?

I think I've shared recently that Noah's vocabulary has increased exponentially in the past couple of months. He is talking and talking and talking and talking. It's hard for me to believe that I was ever worried about his speech. So, here are a few recent conversation snippets:

-"Guess what Mommy? I love you!" (This melts my heart every time he says it.)
-"I love my Mommy." (The heart-melting goes with this one, too.)
-"Mommy my friend." (More heart-melting.)
-More often than not when you ask him to do something like brush his teeth or put his shoes on, he'll say, "I already did" whether or not he actually has. As Gary said, we're going to have to watch this one. But I love that he uses the word "already".
-When Luke did something for Noah a couple of weeks ago, he said, "I 'preciate that, Bubba."

There are many more, but this gives you a glimpse into everyday life around here.


Anonymous said...

How precious to read about Noah's vocabulary. Wish I could see him in person to hear him talk. I appreciate your blogs which really keep me in touch with your precious family. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Erin, I have been behind in reading my friend's blogs but I love seeing your kids pictures...they ARE adorable and I love seeing your Nana's comments! It is so sweet of you to do this so she can keep up with you even while you are so far away!

I was in Anderson to have a surprise 60th party for mom and dad and while we were there, Julia found my jeans from Paris and my mom pulled out my jewelry box with all my huge earrings. It was fun...and guess what else was in there?! My "be fri" charms! Brought back many memories of great times!