-He can carry on a VERY limited conversation. It goes like this:
"How's your oatmeal?" "Goo." (meaning "good") That's it.
-He loves to read, but he's at the stage where we are forced to read the same books over and over and over and over. His favorites are Big Dig, Ten Little Ladybugs, Goodnight Sweet Butterflies, and Snappy Jungle.
-Every now and then he won't go right to sleep at nap time. I'll go in there if he's sitting up and tell him to lie down, and he'll just fall onto the crib mattress and lie very still. It's pretty funny.
-He has a book with pictures of us in it, and he loves to look at it and point to everyone and say who they are.
-He loves putting on our shoes and walking around in them (in case you hadn't already figured that out!)
-He's getting pretty good at animal sounds. The ones he always gets right are cow, dog, bird, sheep, and monkey. When you ask him what a lion says, for some reason he always says, "teet teet."
-Every animal he sees is a puppy.
-Whenever we drive into the Market Street parking lot (a local grocery store), he says, "Cookie."
-Noah will be 21 months old on Sept. 18. Before I know it, he'll be turning two!
More than anything, he makes all of us laugh. He loves his Bubba and looks forward to him coming home from school every day. He's my itty-bitty joy-boy!
Its great to be able to spend one-on-one time with Noah while Luke is at school. We don't get one-on-one time with the older girls much, but I went to Wal-Mart with just Julia and I really enjoyed a different kind of conversation with her. I guess this middle school age is o.k. after all.
Noah gets cuter and cuter with each passing day. I look at his pictures and my heart warms and he makes me smile. I miss him and his Bubba so much but the pictures are a big help. Thanks. Hugs.
oh so cute!
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