Sunday, March 30, 2008

Soccer star

Yesterday Luke scored TWO GOALS at his soccer game! He told me he was going to score a goal, and he was so excited when he scored not just one but two! These were good goals, too; he dribbled the ball down the field, shot at the goal, and made it. After the game he said, "They couldn't stop me!"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More nighttime hijinks

Some Webkinz and possibly a few other miscellaneous stuffed animals are sleeping soundly underneath Luke's PJ top.

I feel pretty

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Luke had much fun finding Easter eggs yesterday morning. Noah got into it, too (once he finally woke up!)

Here are my boys in their snazzy new britches.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


On Thursday we headed over to Ft. Worth. Our first stop was the zoo . . .

. . . then we headed to the Embassy Suites in downtown Ft. Worth. The whole time we were at the zoo, Luke kept asking when we were going to the hotel. I'd definitely say that they both had the best time in the hotel. Luke watched TV, and Noah just wandered around, picking up empty Coke bottles (Gary lives like a rock star in a hotel room), knocking on the door, and leaning on the sofa. It was a hoot! After dinner we went swimming; Luke thought the pool was really cool because it was inside.
Here's Noah enjoying a Jamba Juice in his favorite spot in the hotel room.

On Friday morning we went to the Stockyards to see the cattle drive.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Pathway to Easter

Our church had a new Easter event this year called Pathway to Easter. There were five different stations that each represented the last days of Christ. They children did an activity at each of the stations. It was a wonderful event, especially because it was held in our brand new building.
Before the kids went to the stations, they got a cupcake that they decorated with icing and jelly beans. This was, by far, Noah's favorite part of the event.
At the first station, Palm Sunday, the kids make a palm leaf.This is our friend Jason dressed up like a disciple at the second station, the Last Supper. We washed each other's hands and had juice, crackers, and grapes.
The third station was the Garden of Gesthamene where the children made prayer pots. They wrote "family", "church", "community", "praise", and "people who need help" on a craft stick, decorated it with a flower, and put it in a pot. We choose one to pray for each day.
At the fourth station, the crucifixion, the children wrote the word "sin" on a piece of paper, taped it to a bouncy ball, and threw it. This symbolized us being able to throw our sins away because of Jesus' death and resurrection.
The fifth station was the resurrection where we made an Easter wreath.

Noah's second favorite part was carrying this pink balloon around. He actually wanted a different pink balloon that another baby was holding, but we persuaded him to take this one instead.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh, my

Let me explain . . . Luke's clothes were completely covered in chalk earlier in the day so I asked him to take them off. This was right before his rest time, so he opted not to put any more clothes back on. He wanted to go outside while I was cooking dinner, so I let him go in the back yard. He had the good sense to put shoes on, but, as you can see, he's still mostly nekkid. I don't know if you can see his hair, but he decided he wanted me to gel his hair, so he's also rockin' a "faux-hawk". While Luke was swinging, Noah was busy playing by the trash cans in the muddiest corner of our yard. It was pretty white trash around here yesterday.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Easter party

It's hard to believe it's already time for Easter parties, especially considering the Valentine's party was just a month ago!

They made these cute buckets for the egg hunt.
Luke & Kate
Each kiddo got to smash a confetti egg on one of their teachers.
On the hunt for eggs
Luke's loot

Morning, noon, and night

Here are a few funny things Luke said yesterday:

-Luke woke up around 7:15 and came into my bedroom. Because of the time change, it was still dark. He looked at me and said, "Mommy, is this the 7 when you go to bed or the 7 when you wake up?" I assured him it was morning, and he said, "But it's so dark outside!" How funny to wake up and not know if it's morning or night!
-Luke loves American Idol, and I usually let him watch a few singers on Tuesday night. During one performance he said, "Every time we see Carly Smithson sing, we'll see that thing on her arm." Carly Smithson was indeed singing, and he was talking about her tattoo. He is such a TV addict, just like his Mommy.
-This is the conversation we had right before bed (about our trip to Ft. Worth next week):
LUKE: When we go to see the giraffes and all that stuff . . .
ME: You mean the zoo?
LUKE: Yeah, when we go to the zoo, Noah's going to stay here, right?
ME: No, sweetheart, Noah's coming with us.
LUKE: But we can get someone to watch him and take care of him.
ME: It's a family vacation, so Noah's coming with us.
LUKE: Is he coming on that long car ride?
ME: It's only an hour and a half, so yes, he's coming with us.

Friday, March 7, 2008

More snow pictures

Here are some pictures from out second snowfall this week. We got another 2 inches yesterday. Some areas just to our west and north got hit with over 6 inches, so we were lucky to just get 2. I'm really over snow now - come on spring!

This is Gary's version of shoveling the sidewalk.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Winter blast, part 2

It's snowing . . . again . . . for the second time this week.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Yesterday Luke had a very bad, terrible, no-good, horrible afternoon. As a consequence, we took away the computer, video games, and TV for the entire day today. I must admit that it was a struggle for me to uphold this decision. It's so easy to let him get on the computer or watch TV when he's driving me nuts, but I was determined not to give in. He just went to bed, so it looks like we survived. Overall, it was actually a pretty good day; we played lots of games and read several books. Maybe being unplugged isn't so bad.

Where did spring go?

It was 74 yesterday. As of 7:31 p.m., it's 32 and snowing. That darn groundhog!

Noah pictures

Just pictures of Noah's prayer hands before lunch today and his big ol' top teeth . . .