Thursday, May 25, 2006


I've been meaning to post this for quite a while, but I'm just now taking the time to do it. Several months ago, I asked Luke to get some shoes out of his closet, a task he's more than capable of doing. He told me he couldn't because, "Cookie Monster's yooking at me." I had no idea what he was talking about, so I went to investigate. There was a door hanger on his door with a Cookie Monster sticker on it, and he wouldn't go anywhere near the door because Cookie Monster was looking at him. I turned the door hanger around, and, POOF, problem solved. However, many other things started looking at him. There are certain books he doesn't want in the bed with him because Swiper the fox, or the Cat in the Hat is "yooking" at him. While all of this is pretty funny, the funniest was when when he was sitting in the living room and he told me the "P" (on our Panasonic TV) was "yooking at him." I tried not to laugh because I know he doesn't find it funny, but even now it makes me giggle to think about it. I have no clue where all this came from, so I'm just chalking it up to 2-year-old silliness.

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